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 Meeting the dragon

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Posts : 193
Join date : 2009-01-11
Age : 28
Location : Anywhere i want

Character sheet
Meeting the dragon Left_bar_bleue6/999999999Meeting the dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (6/999999999)
Meeting the dragon Left_bar_bleue400/400Meeting the dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (400/400)
Meeting the dragon Left_bar_bleue400/400Meeting the dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (400/400)

Meeting the dragon Empty
PostSubject: Meeting the dragon   Meeting the dragon Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 1:10 am

Tulku was walking around in the mountains when he found a cave. He went inside and found an excellently carved dragon made out of stone. He looked behind the dragon and found a horde of treasure!!!! "YES!!" He said. So he leaped at the treasure and started shoving handful after handful of gold and gems into his pockets. Little did he know that as soon as he touched the treasure the dragon came 2 life and destroyed the stone that it was carved out of. Only when it roared did Tulku know it was there. It was 10x the size of a skyscraper!!!

Dragon hp: 1000
Dragon mp: 1000
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